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Documaker Enterprise Edition Questions

Note   Also refer to questions in the following section: Questions Common to Both Documaker Editions

This section contains the following topics:

Can I customize my WIP or TRNS layout?

Is all of the error and logging information in one location?

Does the Document Factory process in single- or multiple step mode?

Does the Document Factory Dashboard also monitor and address jobs processed from Documaker Interactive?

Do I have to restart the system when I make changes to the configuration or MRL?

Can I use both the hot folder and web service receiver methods to submit jobs into one assembly line?

How are status codes used?

What can make the Identifier create the wrong number of transactions?

What can cause Assembler, Distributor, and Presenter to start repeatedly?

How do I address unsupported browser issue?

What causes an unexpected exception error in the Receiver?

How do I increase the size of the Datafile?

What causes an invalid message queue error?

How do I resolve an SUP0402300001 error message?

When would I use the IntervalMillis options?